
Applications are closed for 2023-2024

Do you meet all of these criteria?

  • Currently in Year 12
  • Must be under the age of 18 and not currently re-sitting Year 12
  • Do not have parent(s) or carer(s) who have studied at university in the UK or abroad.
  • Attend a non-selective state school.
  • Live in
    • Greater London
    • South Essex (Thurrock, Basildon, Castle Point, Rochford)
    • Parts of Kent ((Chatham, Sittingbourne, Dartford, Gravesend & Strood)
  • Have 8 GCSEs at grades 4-9 (including English and Maths), and within this a minimum of 5 grades 6-9. Students interested in the Medicine or Dentistry stream should have 5 7-9 grades.
  • Meet the stream subject and grade requirements (Below)

Or are you from at least one of these groups:

  • Live or have lived in local authority care
  • are estranged from your parents,
  • are a forced migrant,
  • currently living in a homeless shelter or sofa surfing,
  • are from Gypsy, Roma or Traveller backgrounds, fully inclusive of Showmen and Boater communities

If you are from one of the above groups we really want to have you on K+ so apply, even if you don’t meet all of the criteria on the left. The criteria that is compulsory is being in Year 12, being under the age of 18, living in Greater London, South Essex or the areas in Kent previously listed, and attending a non-selective state school.

Check the required subjects and/or grades for your selected stream

Arts & Humanities Stream

There are no specific subject requirements for this stream, but preferred subjects include English, Languages, Classics, Film and Media Studies and History

Business & Economics Stream

There are no specific subject requirements for this stream, but it is recommended that applicants be studying one of A-Level Maths, Business or Economics.

Dentistry Stream

To be eligible for this stream, you must be studying one of A-Level Biology or Chemistry, in addition to one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or Psychology. GCSE grade 6/B in both English Language and Mathematics is required. 

Law Stream

There are no specific subject or preferred subject requirements for the Law stream.

Life Sciences & Medicine Stream

To be eligible for this stream, you must be studying A-Level in Chemistry and Biology. GCSE grade 6/B in both English Language and Mathematics is required. 

Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences Stream

To be eligible for this stream, you must be studying at least one A-Level of Chemistry, Physics or Maths.

Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience Stream

To be eligible for this stream, you must be studying an A-Level in one of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Psychology.

Social Science & Public Policy Stream

There are no specific subject requirements for this stream, but preferred subjects include Sociology, Politics, Geography, History and Economics.

For more information and help: email

Applications are closed for the current intake.

We cannot accept late applications under any circumstances, and do not accept applicants part way through the programme

If you have already applied, all outcomes of applications will be released via email to students on Monday 4th December 2023.

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